Diamond & Rod are joined by   Bill Mick from WMMB-AM in Melbourne, Florida, where American just launched her first astronauts into space from US soil is almost a decade. Bill generally has a front-row seat for launches and as a long time Floridian, he also knows Florida Man personally.

He is also a former Police Officer, so as D&R come back to Earth, the discussion turns to the riots across the country over the death of a black man at the hands of a white cop in Minneapolis, MN. The discussion isn't as much about the "what" that is happening, but a look as to why it is all happening? Is it really as simple as racial bias and animosity? Could it all have been prevented? and if so, what could have done that or possibly would do it going forward?

Will there be a 2020 Baseball Season anywhere but in South Korea? The answer is YES, but only on Dave's computer.

Rodbo has your "Beer of the Week," and in the binge-watch portion of the show, Dave watched ALL of "Upload" last Monday, but has moved back to his love for Baseball, while Rodbo has launched into the Space Force. We also learn that Bill HATES Steve Carrell and Will Ferrell. Mostly because of a horrible podcast...

SHOW References:

Police Unions and the Problem of Police Misconduct

Myths and Truths About the Office of Police Conduct Review

COVID Monkeys