Previous Episode: Can I Speak to a Manager?
Next Episode: $10 Million

After a really rough day, the boys sit down and ponder if a short film by Kevin James is truly representative of the world to come, post-COVID?  Around the country people are being arrested - yes, arrested - for not complying with orders to stay inside. Perhaps the boys can look for some inspiration from somebody who has been through all of this kind of thing before? Luckily, there is just such a man. He is (or was) one  Samuel Peyps (Peeps), MP (Castle Rising) and the Chief Secretary to the  Admiralty, responsible for getting the Royal Navy up to speed for the 2nd  Anglo-Dutch war (Spoiler Alert: the Dutch won) and for keeping a rather racy and detailed journal during the Great Plague of 1665. Yes, Sam made it through and gives us a great look at how to comport oneself whilst all around are  (literally) dying. The key is to buy a new suit...

Our only listener in Mississippi gives us ten (eight, actually) reasons to live in Mississippi. And the regular  Binge-Watch section of the show has some mild surprises.


Out of Touch - a Short Film by Kevin James

A  tourist arrested in Hawaii

The  First Pandemic Blogger - Samuel Peyps

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