In this episode of What the Fat I dive into the success story of Carson King, a college student who unexpectedly turned a Venmo request for free beer at a football game into a million-dollar charity initiative. This good deed put him in the spotlight, and with that brought criticism that threatened his credibility. In this podcast, I discuss the importance of context and maturity in relation to social media and expand the conversation to the broader topic of prejudice, from racism to gay rights. What you post on social media lasts forever, and sometimes what you say in your past can have negative repercussions on your future. With that being said there’s power in living in the present, and casting judgement away and striving to be your best self going forward is always the best course of action.  



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1:12 - Intro on the Carson King story

4:29 - Criticism for Carson 

5:19 - The plot thickens 

8:42 - BREAK

9:48 - Hypocrisy at its finest 

10:48 - The past vs. the present

12:44 - Commentary on making judgment 

14:10 - What’s Your perspective?


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