Previous Episode: God Of Thunder
Next Episode: New Pie Cutter

Welcome to "Can You Eat Blood?" the first episode after a break for a few weeks. I had trigeminal neuralgia face pain, so I took a a couple of weeks off. I think AI would say that these are bunch of unrelated thoughts.


Shout out to the poet Joe Imwalle who called me to thank me for sending a link to his linktree while at the same time insinuating (correctly or not) that almost no one listens to my podcast.

Joe played guitar in my high school band and now he's a published poet

Shout out to Jeremiah Jahnson who gave us a shout out on KFJC, Saturday morning at 8:30

Shoutout to Hoppin Hot Sauce

Gray room

We went on a date at Yonsei Handrolls because the movie was too long to do otherwise

What To Do

When you have MS people are alwaays sending you scholarly articles like this one

Caramelized shallots

Chicken and pasta with caramelized shallots


Thanksgiving is for 14 this year

Thanksgiving menu

5% salt

I wrote the sauerkraut recipe for the school recipe book

I can breathe again

The espresso machine is back

No Swap

We're taking a break from the Booze-Only Yankee Swap this year

Face on the fritz

My face is bothering me due to the storms in the atmosphere

Unfortunately I couldn't eat dinner with my family

I had a scrambled egg on some rice so it's not like I'm dying

Turkey Brain

A week away and the Thanksgiving meal took over my mind

I hope that I will be in the clear and so I can enjoy eating the meal and not be in fear

I'm put in the meat order after trying to put it in back in October and they were like, "We'll do it next week." I'm either super early or coming in in the nick of time

Cool hipster shoes

The guy at the mobility shoe store asked me what kind of shoes I want and I said I was a hipster and I was cool and he said so you want dress shoes?

Too Much Blood

Jan hasn't been able to smell anything since he was 18

Nami drank Jan's blood

But at least she didn't drink her piss


Uniform Rejection of All writing submissions

Disability studies

Disability major at UCLA, first at a CA public university

Mysterious note

"Not just the bad stuff but the stuff I thought was really good"

Washed up

In a discussion of popular music John John told us Lady Gaga is washed up