I'm changing up the format once a month to bring you a topic based round table episode.

This project idea came from the conversations I was having with Jack and Ethan on separate podcasts and in DMs. I wanted to have more thorough conversations about one particular topic per episode versus the one on one interviews. This episode, in particular, is about men and emotions and I wanted to dig into what both of these guys thought about this topic.

Please enjoy this inaugural episode!

If you want to connect with Jack, you can follow him on Instagram, ( http://www.instagram.com/jackattack9182).  If you want to connect with Ethan, you can follow him on Instagram, ( http://www.instagram.com/depressed2determined). Be sure to subscribe to the podcast to get all future goodness of this show. While you're at it, do me a favor and rate & review this podcast. That's how more people can discover it as well. Follow me on Instagram ( http://www.instagram.com/williegillis).