Welcome to Wellthy Living Conversations episode 63. I have pulled this episode from a recording I did a few years ago, as it's a topic that constantly holds relevance and personally, I think was a great conversation worth listening to.

I chat with “Fatigue Professor” John Toomey to dive deeper into the topic of FATIGUE PREVENTION, what causes it, the implications, impact if not addressed, and ways it can be prevented or at least reduced.

Fatigue is a multi-faceted challenge and requires understanding and knowledge to ensure that it can be kept at bay, or even eliminated.

We will discuss ways to achieve high performance without stepping too far across the fatigue line.

This is not a conversation that focuses just on sleep issues. We will chat about hydration, oxygenation, pH Balance, food, fitness, life purpose, mental health, mindset, and more.

I hope you enjoy our conversation as much as we did. We would love your feedback- What’s your biggest insight or takeaway ...leave a comment and let us know.

And if you’d like more info on John you can connect with him at https://wideawakewellness.com.au

If you’ve enjoyed this episode please share it with your friends and subscribe to the Wellthy Living podcast on iTunes and the Wellthy Living youtube channel, so you can listen to more conversations with wonderful humans whose stories, knowledge, actionable ideas, and wisdom can help you to live a meaningful, connected and well life, both personally and professionally.

I’m Lisa, I’m an integrated life, clarity, and wellbeing coach, and a professional conversation facilitator.

To find out more about my services you can visit my website www.wellthyliving.com.au or connect with me on all social media channels.

Until next time remember connection is medicine.