Welcome to Wellthy Living conversations episode 64

The terms - future of work, modern leadership, gender equality, inclusion, humanising workplaces, and employee wellbeing, are all commonplace at the moment, so today I want to dive into a somewhat taboo subject that’s often ignored as part of these topical conversations and traditionally regarded as a medical or personal matter for women and their families only - MENOPAUSE.

Menopause - peri and post, often intersects with a significant time in a woman's career, a time when women are most likely to be occupying top leadership roles. Research shows that the effects of menopause are far more extensive than hot flushes and can include symptoms of anxiety, ‘brain fog, insomnia, exhaustion, joint pain, and heart palpitations and women are suffering in silence out of fear and shame.

Women in leadership roles are on the rise and to maintain their valuable contributions, I believe we need to be more open about what menopause is and how it affects both individuals and organizations.

So to take a dive deep into this topic, I invited Melissa MacGowan as my guest for this Wellthy Living conversation. Melissa is a veteran c-suite executive, leadership coach, menopause educator, and advocate. She has held numerous Human Resources leadership roles around the globe, coaching thousands of people to perform at peak minus burnout.

She founded Meno Collective after she quit her corporate career to follow her passion to educate and empower women and workplaces. to view menopause as a wellbeing, commercial and cultural workplace opportunity.

Some of the things we covered in this conversation include:

- Symptoms of menopause - peri and post
- Menopause and gender equality, diversity, and inclusion in the workplace I
- The need for psychologically safe and supportive workplaces
- Examples of what women are experiencing in workplaces
- Benefits of speaking up
- How menopause impacts all regardless of gender

and more.

I hope this episode gives you more insights into this taboo topic and that workplaces start to consider how they can begin to create more open communication and psychological safety at work, so women can meet their wellbeing needs, without feeling fear or shame.

For more information and resources to help navigate the intersection of menopause, life and work connect with Melissa: https://www.menocollective.com/

If you’ve enjoyed this episode please leave a comment, or a review, share it with your friends and subscribe to the Wellthy Living conversations podcast on iTunes, spotify, and the Wellthy Living youtube channel, so you can listen to more conversations with wonderful humans whose stories, knowledge, actionable ideas, and wisdom can help you to live a meaningful, connected and well life, both personally and professionally.

I’m Lisa, I’m an integrated life, clarity, leadership, and wellbeing coach, a workplace wellbeing consultant, and a professional conversation facilitator.

To find out more about my services you can visit my website www.wellthyliving.com.au or connect with me on all social media channels.


Until next time, remember, CONNECTION IS MEDICINE.