Previous Episode: Friday Five: 12th July
Next Episode: Friday Five: 19th July

Liz and Debbie Thomas chat all things laser - the cutting edge skin treatment that’s softening scarring, healing rosacea and removing pigmentation.

The post S5E5: Lasers with Debbie Thomas appeared first on Liz Earle Wellbeing.

This week Liz is taking a deep dive into lasers – the cutting edge skin treatment that’s softening scarring, healing rosacea, removing pigmentation and warding off general skin ageing. She’s joined by Debbie Thomas, an experienced and highly trusted specialist in advanced skincare who has been at the forefront of laser technology for over twenty years. Tune in as they reveal the secrets of this hi-tech, almost space-age skincare…

You can stream the episode below, or download the recording via iTunes or Stitcher:

Topics discussed in this episode:

Debbie describes how she became interested in laser technology
Debbie explains how lasers work
How do new lasers differ from their old-fashioned counterparts?
Debbie explains how she combines multiple lasers to get the best results for her clients
Liz and Debbie chat about removing age spots on the backs of hands and chest
Can lasers remove scarring or stretch marks?
Debbie explains how lasers can help treat rosacea and acne
Do at-home laser devices work?

More from Debbie:

Debbie’s clinic

Follow Debbie on Instagram 



The post S5E5: Lasers with Debbie Thomas appeared first on Liz Earle Wellbeing.