Have you ever struggled to say ‘no’ without feeling guilty? Do you try to carve out time or space for yourself then immediately cave when someone wants something from you? If you’ve ever struggled to set boundaries with the people around then this episode is for you. I invited fellow coach and speaker Amy E. Smith, creator of The Joy Junkie to compare notes on how to help you learn how to say ‘no’ and set healthy boundaries without feeling guilty. Amy gives us great actionable insight and tips into why we, as women struggle to set boundaries and the actual words you can say to friends and family to set and maintain those healthy boundaries.   

In This Episode:

How to talk to your friends and family about your wellness or life-changing journey   The actual words you can say to communicate healthy boundaries and say ‘no’ without the guilt Why taking time for rest and play is an essential self-love action How to start speaking up for yourself now and make sure other people respect your wishes 

Connect with Amy:

Grab Amy's FREE eWorkbook, Stand up for Yourself without Being a Dick


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Connect with Amy on Insta where she mini-blogs every day!


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Get Tangia's FREE Stronger To The Core 5-Day Challenge, to help you build a healthy strong core without a diet! 

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Website: TangiaRenee.com

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