Samantha Harper is a sound healer, spiritual mentor, and business owner whose presence on Instagram has been nothing short of inspiring. Samantha's journey is a testament to the power of intuition and spiritual gifts, which she has embraced wholeheartedly throughout her life.


Samantha's transition from a trauma therapist to a sound healer began with a transformative sound bath experience that led her to explore and eventually teach sound healing. She shared with us the incredible benefits of sound healing, from facilitating deep meditation to releasing stored trauma in the body. Her approach is both scientific and spiritual, explaining how sound healing works on a cellular level to promote healing and well-being.


Samantha's story is a beacon of light, encouraging us to honor our gifts and trust the journey, even when it leads us into the unknown. Her message is clear: embrace your truth, follow your intuition, and allow your gifts to unfold. Join us on this soul-nourishing journey and discover how embracing your spiritual gifts can lead to profound healing and transformation.


For those eager to experience sound healing, Samantha offers an online Sound Vault on her website,, making this powerful tool accessible to all. And for those who wish to connect with Samantha and her work, you can find her on Instagram, where she shares channel messages and insights that resonate with many.


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Come connect with me on Instagram @AshleyJGeorge. I love hearing from you!