What was discussed:
• Consider Industrial Safety & Hygiene News, using figures from OSHA studies, reports that 1 in 250 construction workers will die from a welding injury. With over 1/2 a million American welders working today, we can conservatively expect 2,000 welding fatalities in our lifetime. 31 Jul 2019
• In fact, the risks associated w/ workplace operations that include welding, cutting, & brazing result in the deaths of approximately 60 workers each year in the United States alone. This number translates to a risk of greater than four fatal injuries in every thousand workers over their careers.    8 Jan 2019
• First and foremost, always consult a qualified and knowledgeable HSE expert and/or CSP
• Proper planning with risk assessment= key essential ingredients & for contingencies & understanding the kind of risks prior to any welding & cutting operations.
• Welding Training programs may want to consider incorporating  “additional and varied training with mock-ups” for not just welding PPE and Hot Work permitting, but also for proper compressed gas cylinder handling, electrical safety, working in confined spaces, scaffolding & working at heights/fall protection as well.

Links to relevant sources

NFPA, National Fire Protection Agency-Standard for Fire Prevention During Welding, Cutting, and Other Hot Work: This standard presents provisions to prevent injury, loss of life, and loss of property from fire or explosion as a result of hot work projects such as welding, heat-treating, grinding, and similar applications producing or using sparks, flames, or heat. Current Edition: 2019
HOT WORK PERMIT-Hot Work Permit is required for any operation involving open flame or producing heat and/or sparks. It’s only valid for 24 hours and may require Fire watches to stay on-site and present after work is completed.
Other essential training for OSHA welding and craft personnel
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
With the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, Congress created the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to ensure safe and healthful working conditions for working men and women by setting and enforcing standards and by providing training, outreach, education and assistance.
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