And we’re back with the juiciness that is Yelena, my good friend and Sex, Love, & Relationship guide, in this Part 2 episode. Join us today as we continue the conversation and dive deep into adding some magical pleasure into your everyday tasks. Whether you’re washing dishes or driving around town, Yelena is giving us all the help we need to add that 1% of pleasure that can make all the difference! She’s breaking it down & keeping it simple, so let’s dive into the magic!


We’re exploring: 

Why everything can be magical if you want it to be A simple exercise for connecting & finding presence that takes only moments Tips for meditating for those with an active mind  How to activate pleasure with what you have right now, wherever you’re at Why it’s time to focus on YOUR pleasure & stop settling for love crumbs And much more!


Yelena is the creator of The Art of Over-Communicating™, The 3 Pillars of Pleasure™ & The Muse Method for a Pleasure-filled Life™. 


You can read more about Yelena and her work at

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