Dr. Valerie Young is widely regarded as the thought leader on impostor syndrome, and co-founder of Impostor Syndrome Institute, with the mission of stamping out impostor syndrome. She has shared her insightful and practical advice, with over half a million people around the world. Her award winning book is The Secret Thoughts of Successful Women, (and men), Why Capable People Suffer From Imposter Syndrome and How To Thrive in Spite of it. Today I chat with Valerie about Impostor Syndrome, what is it and how can we manage if we experience it.

Episode Links

You can learn more about Valerie at ImpostorSyndrome.com  

Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/valerieyoung/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/ValerieYoung

Valerie’s book: https://www.amazon.com/Secret-Thoughts-Successful-Women-Impostor/dp/0307452719/ref=sr_1_5?crid=3UGLMRAHWLDNL&keywords=impostor+syndrome&qid=1686696608&s=books&sprefix=imposter+syndro%2Cstripbooks%2C127&sr=1-5

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