“It is in the small moments, over time, consistently, that we see God moving here at Wedgwood.”

Dr. Dan Gowdy, Wedgwood's President/CEO is proud of the people who work at Wedgwood. He is proud of the work they do and their dedication to offering care that is both professionally excellent and full of grace and compassion. He’s proud of the organization’s calling and mission. And he is full of hope for the agency, our community, and those we serve. 

In this week’s Coffee Break Conversation Dan shares his passion for to cultivating an environment where those who rely on Wedgwood’s care to find hope and healing, and an environment in which employees can realize, develop, and fulfill their purpose using their unique, God-given skills. In this conversation, Dan also shares about agency’s response to the challenges of the last year and half and where he is finding joy and hope for brighter futures here at Wedgwood.

You can help children, teens, families, and adults discover their wings and soar into futures full of hope and possibilities. www.wedgwood.org/hopeful-futures