Next Episode: Ep. 99 WTF is HAES®?

On today’s episode we are talking about cleaning out your closet while you are in recovery or even as you are going through recovery. 

We know first hand that changing your wardrobe can be hard while you’re in recovery.

We are giving you our 5 steps for how to clean out your closet and find clothes you love in the body you have now.


Try StitchFix  and use the link here to get $50 off your first box. 

Sell the clothes that you no longer need with ThredUp. 

Get free expedited processing on your first kit with this link.

Or get $20 off your first purchase with this link. 

Try a style box from Dia and Co. Use this link for $25 off your first box.

If what we shared today resonated with you and you want a space to explore this further, sign up for a free discovery call with Tracy. We can talk about body image, She can virtually coach you through a closet clean out. Whatever support you need in the area of body image. Free Discovery Call