We have been conditioned from birth to hate the way we look. Movies show us the stereotypical fat girl who can't get a man until she gets a make over. She's the best friend, the butt of the joke, a consolation prize never the main character.

We have tv shows like FRIENDS who portray fat Monica and make jokes about her eating small children.

We go to the doctors and instead of diagnosing why we are there, they prescribe weight loss as the only way to cure disease. 

We see celebrities like Adele completely transforming the way they look. And others who are bullied and ridiculed for gaining weight. 

Is it any wonder we have such a hard time accepting and love our bodies? ⁣

On this week's episode of the podcast we are talking about how to reframe and take back your body image from diet culture.⁣

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Ready to stop weighting and start showing up exactly as you are? Body peace is possible. Take the first step and click the link in our bio to sign up for a free discovery call with Tracy. 

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