Who killed hemp? Hemp is a MIRACLE PLANT, but almost nobody knows it. Used in a range of products from paper and clothing to protein powder and concrete, hemp is one of the most versatile and sustainable materials on the planet - good for business, good for us, and good for the Earth. Yet growing it was restricted until late 2018. Is it time for hemp's 21st century moment? Kenneth Smith, CEO of Hempy's, has been aware of hemp's potential for years as the owner of a hemp clothing line based in San Diego, CA. In this episode, Kenneth educates us on the endless uses for hemp, how it could transform our environment and our industries, and why it was blacklisted for over 100 years. Hemp goes way beyond CBD. Listen in and learn how you can be part of hemp's next chapter.

SUPPORT Hempy’s: Shop high-quality hemp goods at https://hempys.com/, and support other hemp-based and slow fashion companies!

CHALLENGE: Learn more. Choose one element from today’s episode that surprised you and dig into it. The more we know about the alternatives we have, the more we expect solutions that work. Check out the documentary “True Cost” on YouTube, and learn more about fast fashion and how it’s impacting our environment and human rights around the globe.

TAKEAWAYS: 1: We have countless UNDISCOVERED RESOURCES like hemp, which can support our environment and transform our world. 2: It’s time for the NEXT CHAPTER in the story of hemp. Let’s help it grow. 3: We don’t need EVERYONE to change the world, just ENOUGH of us. We explore the idea of CRITICAL MASS, and its examples in history.

Visit www.wecanremaketheworld.com for more info and resources.