In episode 12 of We Are The Stigma, the married co-hosts share a candid conversation with Courtney Anderson about all things infertility. Courtney is a sober badass babe from Detroit, Michigan, who’s publicly open about the infertility journey her and her husband are on. When it comes to infertility, everything is talked about - financial, shame, guilt, the toll it can take on one's  relationships, the business of making a baby, sex becoming a chore, what to say and what not to say - all of it. As a couple who haven‘t struggled to get pregnant, Melissa’s first reaction is guilt, thanks to the interview, Melissa learns that guilt isn’t needed, it’s education and empathy. 

Courtney Anderson is open about so much more than infertility, she's a sober and health coach, a podcaster, a recovery advocate and co-founder of National Sober Day, which debuts September 14, 2019! 

You can listen to Courtney’s story here.

Her podcast, Real Aligned Women here

If your a woman in sobriety join her supportive Facebook community here

Follow her on Instagram and facebook, and learn all about her at

In this episode, we talk about the book - A Piece Of Cake By Cupcake Brown

f you or someone you love struggle with infertility, remember that you are NEVER alone - search the following tags on Instagram to find the supportive community #infertility #ivf #fertility #infertilityawareness #ttc #ivfjourney #infertilitysucks #pcos #ttccommunity #ttcjourney #endometriosis #fertilityjourney

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