In today’s episode, I visit with a special guest of mine who has the courage of a lion.  This individual spent most of the past 20 years in the insurance business working behind the scenes as an account manager supporting sales before recently deciding to be a commission-based sales producer.  

We going to learn today how my guest pulled this off and what that transition to sales was like.  

Kim Smith, Welcome to the Show!  

Show Highlights:

So what made you decide to take the leap into commission-based sales? What is the Day in the Life of an insurance sales producer like? How is it different than insurance account management? They say women are better salespeople.  What do you think?   You’ve met with quite a splash in a relatively short period of time selling insurance to truckers.  Why do truckers buy from you? Do you have an industry specialty? Why trucking? What kind of coverages do you provide? Do you have a way about you that draws people in?  Is it the Voice? Or is it the lively personality? How do you find most of your sales leads? What motivates you to do sales?  Money? Recognition? The People? Are you happier now that you are doing sales? Where do you see yourself in this business in five years?  The subject matter expert in trucking?  The go-to person in trucking insurance? A successful insurance sales producer can make a lot of money – what are you going to do with it all?  Cars, houses, vacations?? I don’t see you as a typical insurance sales guy out on the golf course – what do you do in your spare time?   Sales can be a grind.  How do you recharge your batteries?  Any advice for anyone out there in account management who is considering making the same transition to sales?