00:00 Intro

01:02 Why do good experienced agents fail in this business?

03:03 Where do people get hung up?

05:08 Do you need to stop selling/marketing to build your business?

07:12 Where are the key moments where change is the only way to grow?

10:30 What changes for a real estate business after that first bit of access?

11:53 Who should you hire first?

14:32 What are the unexpected things that begin to break at scale?

17:59 Any advice to prevent burning out each month?

22:10 how does someone train and setup a project manager for success?

27:34 How to build a successful real estate team from the ground up.

30:56 What are the 4 different media types?

34:37 How far can these people go and at what point should you hire someone else?

36:52 Your view of marketing? Where are you making big investments?

42:51 What is a 2020 consumer looking for in a real estate agent?

46:29 How does one go about the process of finish out what their customers are really interested in?

49:28 Know who you are to know what to do. 53:40 Where to find Jess.

54:31 Where are you making big investments in 2020?

57:12 Outro