It’s been almost one year since I last recorded a podcast and since I stopped posting on social media. This wasn’t necessarily intentional by the way. My plan was to take the summer off from everything so I could focus a little more on other things for a while. 

But when September rolled around I found myself not wanting to come back to podcasting and social media, which was strange. I’d always been rearing to get back to work as soon as the kids went back to school. But this year was different. This was the first summer I didn’t post at all and I never once checked Facebook. It was like I got to go back in time, back before cell phones and social media. And I found it to be so incredibly refreshing. 

No more constantly worrying about taking pictures and videos for my next post. In fact, I didn’t really take any pictures and videos this year besides our vacation and holidays. It was so unlike me. I got to see what it was like to just live my life, going with the flow, having no big plans. Just simple and present. Something I haven’t felt in well over a decade. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve loved creating videos and podcasts over the years, but I just needed a nice long break, kinda like a sabbatical I guess.