When was the last time you caught yourself scrolling through IG, Pinterest, etc, and wishing you had the exact kitchen, outfit, aesthetically “perfect” office, completely passive income business, etc?

We live in a time when we don’t just see what our neighbors are up to, we’re now trying to keep up with billions of people. In this week’s episode, we wanted to talk about how these thoughts are affecting us but also how we’re trying to combat them with our own future life decisions.

If you’re feeling caught up in a never-ending spiral of wanting more or dreaming about some big life change, maybe it’s worth writing down your non-negotiable (realistic) items that WOULD make you feel satisfied. And then, if you achieve that big dream or make a huge life change, you won’t automatically be focused on what’s next or what you don’t have! That’s certainly what we’re trying to do.

Links we said we'd share with you...

🏰 Go see the Dunnottar Castle if you’re in Scotland: https://goo.gl/maps/Qd6yTqa3ZoNCVDc46

🎥 Make sure you’re subscribed to our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/wanderingaimfully

✈️ Our pramvel stories take you to our time at Dunnottar Castle and then the long day of driving to Holmfirth (central England!)


More goodies from us: 

Feel like you might be experiencing a business roadblock? Let us help you get un-stuck with our free quiz - wanderingaimfully.com

Build and sell your online course using our easy-to-use and friendly course platform - teachery.co