The famous Steve Jobs quote goes something like this: “We’re here to put a dent in the universe. Why else even be here.” And while that’s inspiring for some, it’s not the only perspective in life. Also, we can think of a million other reasons to exist as a human that don’t require trying to dent the universe.

In this episode, we want to deconstruct some of these big aspirational quotes that get shared constantly around social media. There’s a lot of ego at play in the “dream big” messaging and the constant striving for trying to impact millions of people.

If you’re anything like us, and if you listen to this podcast we think you are 😘😘, we’re here to tell you that having smaller goals and focusing on “enough” (in audience size, revenue, etc) can be incredibly impactful and rewarding. We also love that we can focus on making a change in a tiny group of people’s lives and that feels right to us!

🐑 Check out the Airbnb we had to abandon in Holmfirth:

✈️ Our pramvel stories take you through our worst Airbnb of this year and how we had to make a mid-stay move to an entirely new place. Oh, and we surprised the Mayor of WAIM!


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