When you’re a person who lives with an “invisible illness” (anxiety, depression, chronic fatigue, Binocular Vision Dysfunction, etc) it can be very difficult for the rest of the world to see how much you are struggling. It’s like you’re playing the game of life on HARD MODE, while everyone else is playing on normal mode.

A few years ago, while struggling with anxiety, we were very lucky to discover that Caroline has a slight misalignment of her eyes that causes a condition called Binocular Vision Dysfunction (BVD). Thankfully, we were able to find an optometrist who could prescribe a unique glasses prescription that helped give her much-needed comfort from daily dizziness, clumsiness (no joke), and many more symptoms you can find linked below caused by BVD.

We wanted to peel back the curtain, talk about how Caroline is feeling this week, and share this small metaphor epiphany we stumbled into together. For Jason, playing the game of life is very normal and comfortable. For Caroline, every day can be a bit of a struggle, and it’s like she’s always playing on HARD MODE. Maybe you and your partner are similar? So, how do we navigate those different game modes together? How can we better support the person playing on HARD mode? All of that and more this week!

Links we said we'd share with you...

👁  Learn more about Binocular Vision Dysfunction (BVD) and take an online test for it: https://www.vision-specialists.com/binocular-vision-dysfunction/what-is-bvd/

🧑‍⚕️ Find an optometrist near you that treats BVD (US Only): https://www.vision-specialists.com/doctors/

✈️  No pramvel update this week as we wanted to focus on this more important topic. Travel updates are back next week!


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