This week's podcast explores the idea of embracing the shadow. The shadow is the 'darkside' of both our emotional realm and the darker aspects of the outer physical realm. It is the aspects of ourselves that we would rather not show the world. Journeying into the shadow realm takes courage and equanimity to be able to face what is lurking in the far corners of our psyche.
There is a tendency to hide from the shadow aspects of ourselves (and others) and try to run to the 'light' to avoid feeling the pain and discomfort that being in the shadow entails.
In this podcast we dive into several real life examples of how embracing the shadow aspect of existence can become the ultimate spiritual teacher.
The teachings are based on the idea that all experiences are of equal value in the bigger picture of spiritual development and awakening to our higher, untouchable Divine nature. In recognizing this, we can view all things in equal regard. Viewing all things in equal regard is called 'sameness.' It is the ability to remain equanimous on the deepest layer of our awareness and sit with whatever is arising (without running from it) and acknowledging the same Divine essence permeates all of it.
The Bhagavad Gita says,"He is said to be a steadfast yogi whose heart, through knowledge and realization, is filled with satisfaction, who, having conquered his senses, never vacillates, and to whom a clod, a stone, and gold are the same." 6:8
The song at the end of the podcast is special outro music produced by Karishtan. The name of the song is 'Trust' feat. Mitch Brady and is available for download via iTunes and Spotify.

This week's podcast explores the idea of embracing the shadow. The shadow is the 'darkside' of both our emotional realm and the darker aspects of the outer physical realm. It is the aspects of ourselves that we would rather not show the world. Journeying into the shadow realm takes courage and equanimity to be able to face what is lurking in the far corners of our psyche.

There is a tendency to hide from the shadow aspects of ourselves (and others) and try to run to the 'light' to avoid feeling the pain and discomfort that being in the shadow entails.

In this podcast we dive into several real life examples of how embracing the shadow aspect of existence can become the ultimate spiritual teacher.

The teachings are based on the idea that all experiences are of equal value in the bigger picture of spiritual development and awakening to our higher, untouchable Divine nature. In recognizing this, we can view all things in equal regard. Viewing all things in equal regard is called 'sameness.' It is the ability to remain equanimous on the deepest layer of our awareness and sit with whatever is arising (without running from it) and acknowledging the same Divine essence permeates all of it.

The Bhagavad Gita says,"He is said to be a steadfast yogi whose heart, through knowledge and realization, is filled with satisfaction, who, having conquered his senses, never vacillates, and to whom a clod, a stone, and gold are the same." 6:8

The song at the end of the podcast is special outro music produced by Karishtan. The name of the song is 'Trust' feat. Mitch Brady and is available for download via iTunes and Spotify.