This week's podcast dives into the idea of "I am not the doer."
The Bhagavad Gita says,"I do nothing at all," thinks the Yogi, the knower of Truth; for in seeing, hearing, touching, smelling, and in tasting; in walking, breathing, and sleeping; In speaking, emitting, and seizing; in opening and closing the eyes, he is assured that it is only the senses busied with their objects." 5:8/9
In this podcast, we break down ways to get out of our own way to live the life of our wildest dreams. When we truly recognize we are simply the conduit for the Divine to flow through us, we become highly capable of moving beyond all self-imposed limitations and naturally follow the current of our own highest truth. Getting out of our own way allows us to do things we once deemed impossible or unattainable.
No matter how much doubt may arise, when we step into the all abiding internal witnessing Self, we become fully open to receive the Divine energy available to us. This receptivity allows us to trust that what are compelled to do is what we should be doing. It allows us to surrender the ego and express what is flowing through us out into the world from a place of impeccability and grace.
The song at the end of the podcast is special outro music produced by Karishtan. The name of the song is 'Trust' feat. Mitch Brady and is available for download via iTunes and Spotify.

This week's podcast dives into the idea of "I am not the doer."

The Bhagavad Gita says,"I do nothing at all," thinks the Yogi, the knower of Truth; for in seeing, hearing, touching, smelling, and in tasting; in walking, breathing, and sleeping; In speaking, emitting, and seizing; in opening and closing the eyes, he is assured that it is only the senses busied with their objects." 5:8/9

In this podcast, we break down ways to get out of our own way to live the life of our wildest dreams. When we truly recognize we are simply the conduit for the Divine to flow through us, we become highly capable of moving beyond all self-imposed limitations and naturally follow the current of our own highest truth. Getting out of our own way allows us to do things we once deemed impossible or unattainable.

No matter how much doubt may arise, when we step into the all abiding internal witnessing Self, we become fully open to receive the Divine energy available to us. This receptivity allows us to trust that what are compelled to do is what we should be doing. It allows us to surrender the ego and express what is flowing through us out into the world from a place of impeccability and grace.

The song at the end of the podcast is special outro music produced by Karishtan. The name of the song is 'Trust' feat. Mitch Brady and is available for download via iTunes and Spotify.