This week's show is with Ryan Simbai Jenkins, who was born and raised in Papua New Guinea to a medical anthropologist mother and professional musician and photographer father. He's a U.S citizen but has lived in France, Bangladesh, Australia, The U.S.A, Cambodia, Thailand, The Netherlands and Spain He attended the Duke Ellington High School for the Arts in Washington D.C and later the Rotterdam Conservatory (CODARTS) in The Netherlands to study music. During a particularly stressful period in his studies, he injured his hand while performing. After a long period of attempting to heal the injury through more conventional therapies, he learned self-hypnosis and almost instantly totally recovered his ability to play music! This led to an intense fascination and deep study and practice of meditation and self-hypnosis, NLP, coaching, different psychological modalities and diverse fields of personal development. His love of this field comes from the profound personal transformations he has experienced in his own life and those of his clients. He currently runs a hypnotherapy/change work practice in Barcelona Spain where he has lived for the last 7 years and is explores the boundaries of performance, therapy and coaching with people from all walks of life. This was a very different episode to the usual, Ryan took me through an hypnotic induction into a state of deep relaxation, and it's also something that you can take part in whilst listening at home too. He then followed up with some tips and habits you can use afterwards to create more relaxation in every day life. IMPORTANT: This is an episode that's likely to guide you into a deeply relaxed state and therefore isn't one to listen to whilst driving or any situation which wouldn't safe if you're not fully alert. It's one that's best listened to when you have a spare 45 minutes to lie back and let yourself be carried away to the delightful land of deep relaxation. If you're ready, sit back and let's relax together.