This week Lian is with internationally recognised speaker and business consultant, Alex Charfen. Alex has helped tens of thousands of entrepreneurs grow their business through his insights from consulting for billionaires, the Fortune 500 and some of the most successful people in the world.

Alex is the co-founder and CEO of CHARFEN, empowering entrepreneurs to grow and scale businesses and make their greatest contribution. An in-demand thought leader on business strategy and entrepreneurship, he regularly appears in major media outlets such as MSNBC, CNBC, FOX News, The Wall Street Journal, USA Today and Investor’s Business Daily to provide his unique views and insights.

In this show Alex shares his fascinating story of going from a child described as 'retarded' and 'failing to thrive' to now running multi-million dollar organisations. He also talks about what he's discovered about the Entrepreneurial Personality Type and why this is so important to understand if you're an EPT!

Warning: This show might activate your natural thirst, you'll have to listen to find out why! :)

What you'll learn in this show:

If you've struggled with feeling different all of your life, if fitting in at school or work was impossible, if you've been told to stop or slow down, if you've been told you're too intense.... you're probably an Entrepreneurial Personality Type.

Alex talks about why society has it all wrong when it says 'different' means 'broken' when in fact, it's part of the natural design that we have this personality type because that very difference is exactly what humankind needs to innovate and move forward.

Momentum and flow is something we can all tune into effortlessly every day when we're in alignment with what's natural for us.

There's nothing wrong with you and you are not alone.