This week's show is with Peter Michael Bauer. Peter has been writing and teaching about rewilding, the reversal of human domestication, since 2006.

He's the author of the book Rewild or Die (2008), the creator of the international web forum for rewilding, the founder of the local non-profit, Rewild Portland, and he teaches a course called Rewilding 101. In this show we explore the importance of connecting to our 'place' and how to begin to ground ourselves in a sense of home: our local habitat.

What you'll learn from this episode: Lack of connection to our 'home' environment shows up in all kinds of dis-eases. We were designed to be grounded within a place and lacking that connection is felt on an emotional and physical level. We're made to do things collectively, to move between groups of people collaborating on common goals. The focus on the individual serves to isolate and weaken us whereas creating connection to others and our habitat allows us to thrive. We all have different passion and obstacles so there isn't one nice easy prescription to rewilding that works for us all. As we learn more about the issues of how most of us are living in today's modern world, we can be creative in coming up with solutions that serve us individually, as well as the whole.