This week's show is with Kristian Verde Haganes, Kristian is a dedicated father and husband, a licensed physiotherapist and certified CLARITY coach working within the public health service in Sandefjord, Norway. As the project manager of a Healthy Life Center, Kristian supports people at risk of developing non infectious chronic disease overcome their limitations and blossom. He is passionate about the science of personal transformation, and about how to arrange the contingencies of reinforcement responsible for it.

In today’s show we spoke about the way our own behaviour is shaped and is constantly developing as a person engages in an environment.  And also how we affect each other as we speak but maybe more importantly how we affect ourselves as we speak.

What you'll learn from this episode:

Listening to our own sound allows us to become more aware of our own sound and also how it affects us. Our internal chatter (i.e. our thinking) is our sound turned right down - we have more of that chatter when we’ve been exposed to - what Kristian calls - noxious verbal behaviour, and feel unable to speak our sound aloud. When we engage in 'sound verbal behaviour' with others, we enjoy it, its reinforced and we therefore do more of it. This digital age is the worst time for us to express ourselves in writing - more disconnected, more unaware of our sound and how it affects us and others.