This week's show is with Elizabeth Lovius. Elizabeth has always been interested in making things work better. In her early career at IBM, with a background in training, quality management and process improvement she went on a journey to discover what makes people perform at their peak.

Committed to life long learning, Elizabeth has since trained with and been mentored by some of the world’s leading coaches. In the early 90s, at a time when coaching practice was still emerging, she was apprentice to two pioneer coaches and authors: original Inner Game sports coach and co-inventor of the GROW model Alan Fine and internationally renowned transformative mastercoach Michael Neil. Today Elizabeth is a practitioner of the pioneering work of Sydney Banks, the 3 principles of human experience and she helps leaders develop creative and practical solutions to real life leadership situations. 

In this show we explored personality types, that age old question of "Who am I" and whether there's something before our personalities... some kind of true essence.

What you'll learn from this episode:

Humans are often driven to figure out the answer to the question 'Who am I? which can lead us down the path of taking personality tests such as the Enneagram, Belbin and Myers Briggs. These tests aren't really answering that question but they do reflect our thoughts and beliefs at that time. We all have a 'true essence', who we came into the world as babies that's before our personalities and thoughts.  There are many 'channels' that are available to us, we aren't limited to live life only through our personality type channel for example, there's so many other channels to explore!