This week's show is with Mara Gleason. Mara is a firm believer that a new understanding of the mind is the next great frontier for humanity. In 2010, Mara co-founded NYC and London-based company, One Thought, which offers entrepreneurs, leaders and organizations a new understanding of the mind which brings about a profound new reality of working life.  Most recently, Mara also co-launched One Solution, a leading-edge initiative focused on creating a world where persistent global challenges are more clearly understood and quickly alleviated by a more profound understanding of the mind.  One Solution supports global change projects ranging from United Nations programs in Africa, aid work in the Middle East and Africa, and children's education around the world.

Today we're talking about Mara's experience of how she went from being scared of her father to witnessing a transformation in him. And how that went on to inspire her work in global change.

What you'll learn from this episode: When someone understands how their mind workd, they can change in every area of their life. Mara's father learned the principles through a course at work and it transformed how he was at home too. When we understand where are feelings come from - ourselves not the outside world - it enables us to feel free and empowered instead of victimised. Conflict comes from people believing that their feelings are coming from something other than their own thoughts. That's why Mara sees this understanding of the principles of mind as being the solution to all of the world's conflict.