This week's show is with Kendra Cunov, the Founder of Fierce Grace: Practices of Embodied Wholeness for Women, Kendra has been studying, facilitating, and (most importantly) practicing Authentic Relating, Embodiment Practices & Deep Intimacy Work for the last fifteen years.

Kendra has worked with thousands of men, women & couples in the areas of embodiment, intimacy, communication & full self-expression.

She co-founded Authentic World, as well as The Embodied Relationship & Intimacy Training Salon, and pioneered some of the most cutting edge relation work on the planet. Kendra has consulted for companies such as Genentech & is currently on staff for 4PC, an elite mastermind for the top 4% of coaches in the world.

She works with organizations & leaders, as well as men, women & couples, who know that presence, truth, connection & integrity are our truest access points to success - in business & in love.

So in this show, we explored the juicy topic of women feeling that their man isn't meeting them, and that they could be warm, loving and open if only their partner was meeting them in all the ways they desire. This is something that Kendra and I see show up so often with our clients but also in ourselves! We then shared some ways to expand past this sense of waiting to be met.   I adored this show, Kendra is such a rare gem and is overflowing with wisdom - I think you're going to love it too.