This week's show is with Ya’Acov Darling Khan, the author of the best-selling Jaguar in the Body, Butterfly in the Heart and Shaman – is known for his blend of strength, humility and humour.

Travelling the world to work with groups delivering Movement Medicine, Ya’Acov has spoken to audiences across the globe at some on the most pre-eminent platforms driving the transformation of world culture and sustainability.

Ya’Acov’s message of Shamanism, and a shift from society’s focus on acquisition to reciprocity, is the key to restoring our universal connection and solving our interpersonal and world issues in the process.

His 33-year marriage and partnership with ‘Movement Medicine Woman’ and wife, Susannah, with whom he is Co-Director of The School of Movement medicine and Co-Author of Hay House published Movement Medicine, forms the loving foundation and union for a life dedicated to the transformation of our world.

In this show, Ya’Acov and I explored such gorgeously rich ground and so timely for our current rupture of Corona Virus and the events following the murder of George Floyd. We talked about the invitation these events have created to step into the unknown of the unconscious. The reactivity of our nervous systems and how fear gets in the way of us being able to be open in the enquiry of the unknown, and lastly how we can create the embodied safety to journey into that dark but rich territory.

This was one of my favourite shows... Ya’Acov is one wise and grounded man. This was real medicine for me and I hope for you too.