If you’re looking for a way to create that Holy Grail of a successful business life with happiness, calm and simplicity then you’ll love hearing Nicola Bird’s take on how it’s possible!

These were my best bits:

Nicola talking about seeking happiness in an adrenaline-junkie-seeking-success way, and then having hit her seven-figure goal in her business and ticking every box that she thought would be her dream life… realising she still didn’t feel happy.
How Nicola has moved from being a control freak obsessed with goals, plans, process and programs to following her intuition and natural wisdom as to what to do next next in her business. This is bringing her so much joy and has transformed the way Nicola works with her team.
When Nicola sees that her wellbeing has nothing to do with her success in business,  she sees her business as a game and she can play full-out and fearless. “Game on”!
The internet marketing blueprints, formulas, how-tos and seven-step plans are created in all innocence based on people’s thoughts on what they think created their success. Nicola has realised that once we understand the three principles, our personal thinking settles down, we’re more able to hear our own wisdom and insights – and that’s the “gold dust”!