This week's show is with Damien Bohler. Damien is the founder and current director of Evolutionary Relating - an educational platform dedicated to transforming culture through evolving the way we relate to ourselves, to each other, to vocation and purpose and the natural world.

In his core he is an investigator. He is deeply fascinated by the way things work in this human realm. His interests span the exploration of intimacy, love, sexuality, attachment, polarity, human design, integral theory, permaculture, community living and more. His gift is in the ability to synthesise, articulate and transmit dense and disparate information and delights in doing so through the mediums of writing, facilitating, teaching and coaching.

In this conversation, Damien and I explored the possibility of using portal of intimacy to create the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible, as Charles Eisenstein says. We spoke about why we're so obsessed with relationships, the wounds that keep us from experiencing what we most desire, how healing those wounds opens us to create a more connected, loving world.

I’d love to know what YOU think about this week's show. Let’s carry on the conversation… please leave a comment below.

What you'll learn from this episode: I love that Damien's work with intimacy, stemmed from his deepest passion of ecology The notion of Telos is one that I believe we begin to experience for ourselves once we devote to living from soul - it becomes the north star than guides us from acorn to oak When we heal our childhood attachment wounds, we become available to create partnerships as the column that true community forms around and then that opens us up to connection with everything Resources and stuff that we spoke about Sign up for ‘love letters from Damien’ emails, and check out courses on offer here: Evolutionary Relating Follow Damien in Social Media: Instagram: @evorelating Facebook: Damien Bohler Thank you for listening!

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Lian & Jonathan