This week's show is with Amanda Archibald, RD. Amanda's cutting edge work in Culinary Genomics, unveiled in 2015, has created a new frontier, uniting the fields of Genomic Medicine with the Culinary Arts. Through this work, Amanda is placing food, chefs and the kitchen at the epicenter of healing and igniting a new nutrition conversation for the world.

Amanda has extensive training in nutrition biochemistry, nutrigenomics and functional nutrition. Along with running the day to day business of The Genomic Kitchen, she provides genomic test interpretation, nutrigenomic and culinary guidance for clients, clinicians and the team at The Genomic Kitchen. Amanda has taught extensively at clinical, health and industry conferences worldwide.

In this show we explored Amanda's work, specifically around culinary genomics - which is the system of choosing, preparing and understanding food.  Culinary genomics is a term she coined to express this revolutionary merging of nutrigenomics and the culinary arts.