This week's show is with coach, speaker and trainer, Ankush Jain.

Ankush was introduced to the self development world whilst at university and over the following 10 years devoured books, audios and undertook various trainings. It was when he turned 30 that he had an insight. Whilst having built a successful (albeit brief) career and reputation as a procurement specialist, he realised that his next step in his personal development journey was to help others through coaching.

He was introduced to the Three Principles in 2012 (as first described by Sydney Banks) and has built his coaching practice around sharing this understanding with his clients. He has coached men and women from a wide variety of backgrounds and helped them transform their lives beyond what they thought possible. In addition to his one on one coaching practice, he runs several online groups, and hosts the Relationship Series podcast on iTunes.

Ankush says that a few years ago, he was doing everything he thought he supposed to do and there was still something missing. He didn't take risk and he was playing it safe. He was working really hard but he knew he wasn't setting the world on fire, so he felt jealous and upset about how other people were doing.

These days he's in a very different place and is passionate about how we as humans can show up powerfully. So that's what we're talking about in this show.

What you'll learn in this show:

Ankush spoke about three instrumental stages of his journey that took him to a place of showing up powerfully:

Discovering "Who i really am", in other words, how our minds really work. For Ankush, understanding the Three Principles was a big part of this. It's the 'self' that's before all of the techniques, improvements, likes and dislikes.

Taking risks and moving outside the comfort zone but... making them small, incremental improvements that are manageable and sustainable.

Finding your own journey. Ask yourself: Where's your curiosity taking you? What are you passionate about? What are you already doing? What's that next one step for you?

I'd love to know what YOU think about showing up powerfully. Let's carry on the conversation...  leave a comment below or connect to Ankush via one of the links below.