How to quieten a worry-filled, noisy mind #2 of 3... A coaching session with Piers Thurston

What you missed last week... I spoke to Rich Habets, a highly successful executive coach and business consultant about ‘conscious’ business – or how to make money and be successful, consciously.

If you missed that then you missed out so... subscribe to the show and catch up with that episode after this show!

And on this week's show... It's the second in the unmissable series of Fly On The Wall Coaching Sessions between transformative coach Piers Thurston and his new client, Rachel. Rachel wants relief from her noisy, worry and anxiety-filled mind. She's tried everything, including self-help, meditation and counselling in the past. If you missed their first session then listen to that one first.

Listen in now to discover the changes that are already happening for Rachel!