This week's show is Sabrina Lynn, founder of ReWilding For Women, she has had a profound impact on thousands of women across the globe. She is one of the most provocative, raw and passionate personal development trainers in the world.

Known internationally for her unique workshops on spiritual growth, reclamation of the divine feminine and the awakening path that is unique to women, Sabrina has designed and developed remarkably effective transformational practices that address awakening in mind, body, and heart.

Sabrina brings 12 years of teaching, speaking, facilitating, and coaching experience to her work, having taught at some of the largest organizations in Australia. She has studied, practiced and taught archetypal psychology, neuroscience, leadership, shamanism, energetic healing, meditation, astrology, tantra, physiology and mind-body connection.

Sabrina currently hosts the popular weekly ReWilding For Women podcast and leads international audiences through ReWilding For Women workshops, retreats and online programs. Her audiences connect with her down-to-earth approach and often experience remarkable transformation, healings and shifts.

In this show we spoke about the recent events in Sabrina's business (AKA her soul child!), how she's navigated the conflict from a place of creating altitude on it, understanding what's in alignment with her deeper truth, which ultimately could be summed up as how to live a soul-led life. For any of us who are deepening into this way of living, Sabrina's story is a wonderful one to learn from and be inspired by.