This week's show is with Phil Goddard, Phil helps people create easy, prosperous and loving personal & professional relationships. He is an internationally renowned life & relationship coach, speaker, leadership consultant, and lover of life and humanity. A published author, he is also the host of The Coaching Life and Naked Hearts Podcasts. His work centres around transforming relationships and leadership through developing a deeply grounded understanding of the principles behind our human experience and the nature of how our experience of life is created. With humour and sincerity, he combines over twenty-one years in corporate leadership with fourteen years as a professional coach, to help organisations build harmonious and highly productive teams, and individuals to live their most loving and joyous lives. He has coached Hollywood actors, international models, journalists, artists, authors, film directors, corporate executives, and numerous business owners, leaders and entrepreneurs. He is a digital nomad and can often be found on the Greek Island of Zakynthos, where he holds exclusive coaching immersion retreats for individual clients. He challenges his work on happiness by following a few English sports teams.

In this week's show, Phil and I explored the role of desire in how we create our lives, the big life change he's recently been through and the way he's seen fear, courage and freedom show up during this time.