This week's show is with Dr Stephania Sciamano. Stephania is an Energy Surgeon devoted to Truth and Embodiment of Your Rich Genius.

She spent 9 years in private natural medicine practice before working exclusively with ambitious men and woman to increase Wealth, Vitality, and Energy in all its forms.

The successful clients who come into her practice are powerful experienced Healers, Creatives, and Magicians – yet the illusive cap on their success is frustrating the hell out of them.

She believes that powerful people experience a specific set of mental and physical symptoms at higher levels of success...which creates an energetic cap on their “Havingness”.

…and conventional solutions don’t work because they don’t address Wealth Consciousness, Masculine/Feminine Dynamics, the Dark Side of your Power, or how this relates to Genius. Her protocol assesses, arrests, and then reverses the slide!

Her clients calm their nerves, lose their mental slumps, become attractive again to themselves and their partners, and create reliable windfalls of cash –in their specific genius – without the crash.

In this show we spoke about Stephania's rather naughty-sounding philosophy on the power of relating to God as both father and lover and the deep gifts that provides. I love this show - such a rich and juicy one!

I’d love to know what YOU think about this week's show. Let’s carry on the conversation…  please leave a comment below.

What you'll learn from this episode: If we see there's pure love Consciousness, within that there is Masculine Love Consciousness (ie God) and Feminine Love Consciousness (ie Goddess) Most women in our culture have an excess of Yang and a depletion of Yin, which means they're unavailable to be fully provided and penetrated by the Masculine in all its forms, including men, money and God. I love Stephania's suggestion of finding ways to enter into relationship with the embodied archetypes of father and lover and the various ways these can be manifested as both Gods (e.g. Zeus) or men (e.g. Jason Momoa!) Allow yourself to have the deep Feminine desire to be provided to and penetrated, it's only from there that it can happen. Resources and stuff that we spoke about: Find me on Instagram Find me on LinkedIn Thank you for listening!

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Lian & Jonathan