And this week's show is with Robin Charbit, one of the founders of Insight Principles. Although Robin is a chemical engineer by training, he has spent most of his 35 year career in the world of business, first as a the leader of one of Exxon’s large international businesses based in Europe, and then as the Director of a consulting practice in Boston, Massachusetts.

About 16 years ago, he came across the work of Syd Banks and saw it as the missing element in the world of business. That led him to found Insight Management Partners, to explore how to bring this understanding into business. About 10 years ago, he met Ken Manning and they joined forces to create Insight Principles.

In this show we’re talking about getting anything done at work or in life without bother or stress.

We all have had moments where we surprise ourselves, we leap that tall building without effort, we solve that issue with ease, or we just see what to do without apparently having to think too much about it. Most people agree when you say this to them. Most people also agree that this is a fleeting occurrence. Robin explains what this phenomenon is, where it lives, and how to have more of it. The interesting thing is there is nothing to do when you know where to look.

What you'll learn from this episode: There's an alternative to the bother and stress of today's busy lives and it's to live from an understanding of what allows us to access insight, ease and peace. Remember a time when you were at peace on the inside. Psychologically peaceful. Try to remember what qualities were present in you at that time: Open, at ease, settled down. Were you doing them or did those qualities just show up? If they just showed up, where did they come from? Inside or innate. Not something to get - something to connect to. How to connect to that space? The more we understand how the system works the less we get caught up in thought and have access to that space.