This week's show is with Dave Booda, a writer, teacher and musician. He is the co-founder of IntimacyFest, an annual festival in Southern California that celebrates connection, sexual self-expression and community. He writes weekly at and his work has been featured on ABC, NBC, National Geographic, Elephant Journal, Good Men Project and Thought Catalog. He is the host of three podcasts, Dude Panel Radio, Darken the Page and Boodaism. 

In this show we spoke about one of Dave's real passions... intimacy. How can we be with each other deeply and experience this thing we all want?

What you'll learn from this episode: Playing the game 'What's between us?' allows us to see all of the stuff that's getting in the way of us feeling close to someone. We often do things as a way to get intimacy but it's something that we can all have very naturally anyway. Our beliefs about sex (both as a society and personally) are often the thing that most gets in the way of intimacy.