This week's show is with Mike Fairclough, Mike has been the Headteacher of West Rise Junior School, in Eastbourne, UK, since 2004. Over the years, Mike has introduced many educational initiatives to the school, which have received national and international acclaim. These include setting up a student run art studio, called “Room 13” and running a school farm, populated by a herd of Asian water buffaloes, honey bees, sheep, ducks and chickens. The school manages 120 acres of marshland, on which the children engage with nature, light fires, learn basic survival skills, go fishing, paddle-boarding and learn beekeeping. The field of Positive psychology and character education underpin the work of the school. Mike is the author of “Playing With Fire” (embracing Risk and Danger in Schools). His second book “Wild Thing” (embracing childhood traits for a happier, more carefree life), is a self-help book for adults and is out later this year.

In this show we spoke about how parents can embrace the philosophy of adventure, risk and play in our own lives and those of our children. And how this can still happen within the current context of the changes brought about by corona virus.

As a parent of school-aged children, I found this such a reassuring and helpful episode. I hope you do too.