This week's show is with Justin Patrick Pierce, an Author, Mentor and Spiritual Intimacy Teacher. As the founder of Sacred, a Los Angeles based collective of spiritual teachers, coaches and practitioners of the sacred arts, Justin works with select veteran and up-and-coming professionals to help them master their craft and bring their work to the world. As intimacy teacher, Justin is the co-author of the Amazon best-selling book, The Awakened Women’s Guide to Everlasting Love, and the leader of transformative high-end retreats including the signature training, Yoga of Intimacy, which he leads with his life partner, Londin Angel Winters.

So in this show, we explored the three pillars of spiritual intimacy and swum the deep waters of relating, presence, polarity, spirituality and more... it really was the whole shebang! Justin's presence and depth blew me away, this was an incredible show which I so enjoyed making. If you have an interest in better, richer, deeper relationships with other human beings, you'll love this show too!   I’d love to know what YOU think about this week's show. Let’s carry on the conversation… please leave a comment below. What you'll learn from this episode: The practices of deepening into sacred intimacy is found across the world and throughout history, it seems like this something that's universal to humans. The three pillars that Justin spoke about are: Presence: the embodiment of consciousness. We would love to be penetrated and held by a consciousness that we trust more than our own. We long to to be seen and loved in our totality. And whilst we want it more than anything in the world, its also the scariest thing in the world because opening that much comes with the risk of being hurt. The feminine heart will continually test that presence to see if it can be trusted. Polarity: this is the creative tension that occurs between the poles of masculine and feminine, light and awareness, or form and formless and that in sexual relationships creates that juicy and exciting spark. This will typically be automatically there at the beginning of a relationship but can also be consciously cultivated in long term relationships. For depth, the first pillar of presence is necessary first. Devotion: this is required to show up in this dynamic of intimacy over and over again. It isn't something that's forced upon us, in this modern world we can be independent and self-reliant, however if we desire something more than independence, we can choose into devotion to another person and to the path of deepening into spiritual intimacy with them.

This week's show is with Justin Patrick Pierce, an Author, Mentor and Spiritual Intimacy Teacher. As the founder of Sacred, a Los Angeles based collective of spiritual teachers, coaches and practitioners of the sacred arts, Justin works with select veteran and up-and-coming professionals to help them master their craft and bring their work to the world. As intimacy teacher, Justin is the co-author of the Amazon best-selling book, The Awakened Women’s Guide to Everlasting Love, and the leader of transformative high-end retreats including the signature training, Yoga of Intimacy, which he leads with his life partner, Londin Angel Winters.

So in this show, we explored the three pillars of spiritual intimacy and swum the deep waters of relating, presence, polarity, spirituality and more... it really was the whole shebang! Justin's presence and depth blew me away, this was an incredible show which I so enjoyed making. If you have an interest in better, richer, deeper relationships with other human beings, you'll love this show too!   I’d love to know what YOU think about this week's show. Let’s carry on the conversation… please leave a comment below. What you'll learn from this episode: The practices of deepening into sacred intimacy is found across the world and throughout history, it seems like this something that's universal to humans. The three pillars that Justin spoke about are: Presence: the embodiment of consciousness. We would love to be penetrated and held by a consciousness that we trust more than our own. We long to to be seen and loved in our totality. And whilst we want it more than anything in the world, its also the scariest thing in the world because opening that much comes with the risk of being hurt. The feminine heart will continually test that presence to see if it can be trusted. Polarity: this is the creative tension that occurs between the poles of masculine and feminine, light and awareness, or form and formless and that in sexual relationships creates that juicy and exciting spark. This will typically be automatically there at the beginning of a relationship but can also be consciously cultivated in long term relationships. For depth, the first pillar of presence is necessary first. Devotion: this is required to show up in this dynamic of intimacy over and over again. It isn't something that's forced upon us, in this modern world we can be independent and self-reliant, however if we desire something more than independence, we can choose into devotion to another person and to the path of deepening into spiritual intimacy with them.