This week's show is with Jonathan Raymond, former CEO and chief brand officer of e-Myth [the brand behind the massive best-selling book!) Jonathan is now the founder of Refound, a company dedicated to showing you how to build the kind of culture that offers people a benefit that far exceeds any paycheck — the opportunity to become better at being themselves.

So we’re talking about how as leaders, can we get people to do what they want. Jonathan's answering that question of "How do we get our teams to take personal responsibility?"

What you'll learn in this show:

The importance of the people behind the processes. Yes, great processes are super-important to creating a successful business but the culture is a massive ingredient too. And the culture of a business is not what the CEO says it is, it's the relationships between the people who work in it. Jonathan talks about how we can massively improve the culture when we're present, listening to our intuition and to the people around us.

The magic of transparency and vulnerability in leadership.  Jonathan said: tell them why you care, tell them what matters to you, be open, be human. That's what allows us to connect human to human.

Give people (our team, our children and really anyone around) us the space to learn and grow. Don't dive in and give them the answers. If you're constantly in their face, jumping in and fixing everything, you're taking away their opportunity for growth. And Jonathan said this is actually the real cause of a lot of leader's feeling of overwhelm. Let people experience the gap between where they are and where they want to be.

And if you're not getting the results you want, check out the system you're using to create those results. You might want to think about putting a different system, or as Jonathan says 'accountability method' if you want different results of your team to taking personal accountability.