Today's Topics

The Feeling of Winning!....Is California Dying?...Dave Chappelle Defeats LGBTQ Cancelation Attempts...Due to Supply Chain Issues, What Can You Not Go WIthout?

Things To Know

Italy Recognizes Natural Immunity / Afghan Parents Sell Their Children to Make Ends Meet / Colin Powel Dies From Covid, Eventhouth He's Vaccinated

The News is a Joke

"New Zealand City’s ‘Official Wizard’ Has Been Taken Off Its Payroll", "Saved By The Smartphone: Bullet Bounces Off Motorola With Hulk Cover", "Male contraceptive ‘bath’ device wins Dyson award", "Indonesian Man Marries Rice Cooker, Divorces It 4 Days Later Because...", "The fart and the furious: Tattoo artist set ablaze during butt tattoo ‘gas leak’

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