Show Opens with discussions on such things as; LGBTQ tries to cancel Dave Chappelle, School Board Weaponizes FBI against parents, What is "Stealthing?", & 10 seconds of advice to the world

Things To Know

Hundreds of thousads of US Troops defy vaccine mandate, Southern boarder open again as National Guard troops return to their Red States & Biden administration lobbys to allow IRS to investigate every $600 and above deposit and withdraw of US citizens bank accounts

The News is a Joke

"Police searching for man who allegedly took dirty diapers from Toronto daycare", "B.C. woman awakes to a hole in her roof and a space rock on her pillow", "Parents Want High School Principal Removed For Listening To IRON MAIDEN; Students Rally Behind Her", "Actor killed on stage during opera at Moscow’s Bolshoi theater", & "Battle-hardened Taliban fighters enjoy a day off at amusement park"

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