Todays Topics

Bad Week for Alec Baldwin, "Let's Go Brandon" Sweeps the Nation, Biden Appears Mental at Town Hall Meeting, Dr. Fauci Lied to Congress, We Have a New 4 Star Transgender Admiral, Mike Evans Gives Away Tom Brady's 600th TD Pass Ball, & Travis Tritt Sigs National Anthem in ATL at the Dismay of Cancel Culture. 

Things to Know

Afghan Parents Sell Their Children to Make Ends Meet / Woman in England are Being Poisoned by Men with Needles at Nightclubs / Flesh Eating Bacteria STD Growing in England / Virginia School Board Pres. Witholds Information on 14 year old Rape by Transgender Student 

The News is a Joke

"Scientists Built an AI to Give Ethical Advice, But It Turned Out Super Racist", "A man was 'covered' in poop after a passing plane dumped toilet waste over his backyard, lawmaker says", 'Nightmare on Elm Street' house listed for $3.5 million", "Scientists Have Found a Connection Between Nose Size and Penis Size", "Utah cyclist died after 'accidentally' being run over three times by driver", & "Man dies after friend pumps air up his rectum, cops wonder if it's prank or murder"

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